Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Participate People!


in Gainesville, Florida
I tried to understand my view.

The attitude though which I approach the world and shape my reactions
I tried to ascertain satisfaction and to figure out what made me excited
by capturing my instances in images

I wandered around town and discovered a few things:

I spend a lot of time in the night
My days are full of class and study
and my free time is generally when it is dark

I like color, contrast, form, pattern, and line

I refract and reflect, marking the spot with my presence/absence
or sometimes just my feet.

I am awkwardly aware of the camera lens as a mediator.
Yes, it can capture the 'moment'
but it can also mediate experience
and facilitate both curiosity
and annoyance.

And try as I might, pictures of things soon becomes pictures of people.
Even as I look to form and line
pattern and color

I inevitability turn to people...



But not only do I focus on friends,
I control the situation.
I prompt and pose
I position.

Candid beginnings transform into directed frames
as instructions and control become a part of how I place myself in the scene.

I am deliberate and expressive
and I want others to play along.

I don't want to merely play with color
or form
or people.
I want to fingerpaint
to stick my hands in and go for it.

I want to participate.

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