To tie all of our work together, each person in our class organized a Prezi experiment - working with images to create an electracy experience that viewers could undergo as well as observe. Employing our archive...
- Part I of our blog
- The full range of our texts - but specifically those used in Part II
- Asking questions and engaging Tarot as the 'Oracle system'
- Using our film references from Part I as part of our quest narrative and iconography
- Known associations and symbols already established by the collective culture
- Drawing on the senses to interpret Tarot and craft visual representations/tropes
- Our own insight and interpretations in light of the community and 'The Accident'
...the Prezi works as a public production - incorporating our personal experience and knowledge while appealing to the community in an attempt to 'work out' a system of aesthetic reasoning focused on awareness, recognition, and reconnection.
We want people to recognize their participation in the circulation of the senses
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