Tuesday, January 29, 2013

step up revolution gallery dance hd

Working with The Universal Experience, I was reminded of this scene from a recently published dance film (yeah, that right, a dance movie).  Ignoring the obviously steller acting, I think the museum setting and the challenge of unexpected experience staged by the dancers reflect the intentionality of Universal Experience - how the editors of the image and text collective look to reconfigure and adapt institutionalized tourism.  Universal Experience hopes to refigure the institutionalized tourist experience based in place and space into an aesthetic that can happen through the institution of electracy or even merely reproduction.   While the dancers in this scene are based in the physicality of the body and the museum space, they reconfigure the art, layering expression and melding reproduction with innovation, tradition with new aesthetic.

Not to mention that the entire 'production' is filmed digitally, initiated in the physical for the purpose of electrate reproduction and viewing - turning the tourist into the viewer and back again.

I Want It Now! (with lyrics) - Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory

Veruca just makes me think about the general state of the dromosphere, the NOW! and the general accident. Is there a consequence to the NOW? And as we negotiate the collective for Wellbeing, this is exactly what we encounter - the selfish individuality of embodied capitalism.

And as I think over my own associative and tangential mindset, I am torn between tutors and images - "I WANT the World!  I want the whole world"  (although hopefully I am not quite as Bratty as Veruca and much more willing to share!)

Time? Highlights

So, thus far I have short list of highlights:

1)    Aliens bad, daimons good.
2)    The army needs PIE!
3)    Prudence talks to herself
4)    Pastiche can be a verb, and maybe poetry can be to?
5)    Spices are from the devil and the downfall of mankind
6)    I might have something in common with Veruca Salt

As for an acknowledgement of time that was mentioned in Ulmer’s email – here are some quick initial thoughts…

We consider time through limit, acknowledging our individual mortality, our strength as a species, but also living in the erasure of limit, ‘becoming’ the collective that exists beyond our individuality and linear morality.  The idea of Wellbeing is larger than the individual, thus our construct has to be larger than the individual, faster than the traditional dialectic to encompass the dromosphere’s ‘Now’ and more prolific than individual embodiment in time. 

Just like the literate tradition is part of our challenge, making the literate accessible in electracy, the corporation seems to be the key to time.  The corporation is modeled after the individual, yet largely without the restraint of most individuals – like the lack of daimon we spoke of in class.  The corporation is the hedonistic individual, the appetitive man with the benefit of intellect and reason, but lacking the finitude of mortality.  Corporations don’t die, they just go bankrupt!  So how can we work with a ‘construct,’ the corporation, that exists both within the boundaries of time and law, and yet strangely outside of them.  In a creepy way, the corporation reminds me of AI, the robots that live forever (but not the cute, happy, Wall-E robot, the evil genius kind).  So not only how do we translate the literate into the electracy, how do we accommodate the (theoretically) infinite that is mediated through the finite, especially with regard to a Wellbeing centered in human mortality?  To that end, who exactly is determining Wellbeing and how does this all relate to accident?

For now I interpret the emails as a space for literacy, instruction, questions - a place where we write out our thoughts and connections to instructions and the overall project.

The blog, here, seems to be the space of undergoing.  The place to employ imaging to process, to initiate the alternative literacy that we are aiming for through electracy.  So I will balance my words and explanations, feature my images and process my reflections.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


I am becoming, undergoing, experiencing the bloggosphere...  we shall see how this works!

As a sidenote, I am enjoying the basic constructions of Socialbook and think that this technology has quite a few potential applications.  However, like many of my classmates, I am having trouble marking my notes and making them permanent?  Hopefully, this issue will resolve, but for the time being I think Socialbook is a great idea with a few bugs.